Dear Seventh Day Adventists Wake up and smell the Tyranny - With Gerry Wagoner

4 years ago

Constitution-loving Americans have looked on in amazement the last couple months as they’ve seen the Constitution pushed aside and a torrent of new legislation flood the nation.

What does this mean?
How does people react to this?

While it seems outrageous , what is going on in US now , is to be expected from people who have no knowledge of the prophetic times we are living in.

But many Adventists have fallen in line with these attitudes and are active naysayers of those defending liberties, while they should, in particular, have no fear of a virus.

God has promised to protect people from disease when they follow His laws of health, and heal them if they do get sick.

Isaiah 41.10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Adventists need to rise above the worldly narrative of fear, sensationalism and compliance. Do not fall in line with tyranny.
Satan’s resort is always compulsion. God never forces the will. When we remember this, it becomes easier to judge whether something is of God.

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