Detectives raid Marilyn Manson home in West Hollywood: report

2 years ago

The home of rock artist Marilyn Manson was struck on Monday after a few ladies blamed him for physical and rape.

Manson was purportedly not home at that point.

Police held onto hard drives and other stockpiling units for electronic information during the strike, which was first detailed by TMZ.

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Eva Jimenez affirmed that a court order was served to Manson's home, however gave no further subtleties, as indicated by the Associated


The division began exploring Manson, whose lawful name is Brian Warner, in February after a few ladies announced that he had actually, physically and genuinely manhandled them somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2011.

A few of the ladies, some of whom have not been openly recognized, have recorded claims against Manson. An adjudicator excused one such suit was in September, refering to the termination of the legal time limit.

Manson, 52, has denied the charges, with his lawyer Howard E. Ruler saying they are "provably bogus."

Evan Rachel Wood, Manson's previous

Life partner, first named him as her victimizer by means of an Instagram post in February. The entertainer said she had been manhandled for a really long time.

Manson reacted to her assertions, calling them "awful mutilations of the real world," as per the AP.

Following Wood's post, the entertainer Esm Bianco sued Manson in government court in May. In the claim, she blamed him for manhandling her physically, actually and inwardly, as per the AP.

The entertainer, who showed up in "Round of Thrones," claimed that Manson disregarded illegal exploitation law when he incited her to head out from England to California for jobs in music recordings and motion pictures that didn't exist, the AP announced. She further blamed him for holding her back from eating and dozing, securing her

A room, whipping her and exposing her to electric shocks.

In the claim, Bianco likewise asserted that Manson undermined that he would come into her room and assault her in the evening.

Manson said that Bianco's charges are "false" and part of "an organized assault."

Different ladies, including Manson's previous collaborator, have likewise blamed him for misuse.

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