Trump Won!

3 years ago

The entire World knows Trump Won! Trump received more authenticated votes than any American President, ever. I know it. You know it!

Unfortunately, most of Los Gatos, California, doesn't know it. They are like zombies, programmed by the destructive media, which dumbs down those who actually heed the spinning of the truth into lies. Living in Los Gatos is like entering the Twilight Zone. Maskholes are prominent. These people cannot think for themselves. Don't believe the mainstream, bought-and-paid--for media. Censorship and Lies are the Silicon Valley way. Do your own research. Don't be an idiot. That would be bad for everyone's health! And, take off your masks! You are the disease. Los Gatos obviously needs a breath of fresh air for sanity reasons. Los Gatos is one craaaaazy town!

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