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Bashkaro / Kukush Pass 4924 Mtr.

4 years ago

Bashkaro Pass (4924m as per John Mock written in his book) also known as Kukush Pass was my dream from years and this year finally we five team members Mazhar Fareed, Irfan Ahmed, Zia Ud Din, Zulfiqar Ali and me Faisal Arfeen set off on this journey of the land of meandering streams, rusting rivers, towering mountains, azure lakes, roaming nomads, crushing waterfalls, fruit laden orchards, shimmering springs, smiling people, frozen waters, unknown depths, dreadful and fearful, sprawling and growing, challenging and troubling passes after a hastily planning of a weak.
We did start our trek from fabulous Mahondand Lake a bit early by season, in the 1st week of June; hence we have to face maximum lofty and soft snow in the upper region. We camped at Dawangar, Blue Lake and then directly crossed the Bashkaro pass after a continues steep and snowy hiking of about seventeen hours till the camp at Kukush glacier on the other side of pass. We have to face the worst conditions of snow amongst the huge icy walls of the pass, where we were stepping steadily while holding sticks and ice axes in knee deep snow over hidden crevasses. It was continue struggle of hours on dreadful and straight icy walls which finally took us to the summit.
Bashkaro is the most challenging pass of Swat which was once crossed prior to us by Great SPS trekkers in years 2008 from Shandoor side and as per local people and guides we are the first who scaled this pass from Swat side, which is more challenging, steep and blind side than other.
Despite difficulties of extreme snow, avalanches, steepness, crevasses, temperature and endless boulders we also found lovely flowery pastures, huge and small, sunny and snowy, shimmering and shining, stunning and bluish lakes. Meandering and roaring streams, crushing and refreshing waterfalls, spectacular woods and colorful orchards.
We ended our trek at the end of Langar Nala a bit below from Shandoor Pass. Undoubtedly this is an ideal trek for trekkers who love to face challenges of steep ascend and deep descend with snow white rolling snow dunes stretching out to everywhere. This trek is a complete package for mountains lovers, having all kinds of pleasures and hectic of camping life in mountains.
We are glad to having been there but would not do it again due to continues stepping of hours and days on endless boulders.

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