Gang stalking kidnapping and security breach

4 years ago

Talking about the satellites in the planes flying overhead. The time spent today, the threats these people have made, the way these screwed me today. And hit out on my life. They have still it used to be a hit on Christian Kirk. Now it's just ahead on Chris 'cause they've already kidnapped Kirk. and they did confirm today that columbus is deeply this terrorist cell and entire organization With prior knowledge of. Past events, current events and future events. There are guilty of. Guilty by Association. Criminal negligence. Colonel trespassing, kidnapping, rape, murder, treason and terrorism. Counterfeiting. As well as accessories to murder murder. Attempted murder premeditated murder. War crimes. Pursuing law enforcement personnel impersonating government officials. Personating Secret Service agents aiding and abetting. Coconspirators and accomplices. AND A WHOLE LOT MORE!

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