Back pain affects so many people...別讓腰背痛擊倒你

3 years ago

✏️ 探討議題:
1. 腰痠背痛的對策 The strategy of back pain
2. 久坐會造成什麼病痛呢?The dangerous of sitting too much

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
0:12 運動受傷的經驗 The experience of feeling pain after exercise
10:52 分享”腰部椎間盤突出“經驗 The experience of spinal disc herniation
18:22 久坐帶來的問題 The problem of sitting too much
25:45 要怎麼避免/處理 久坐問題 How to avoid or deal with long sitting problem

#Taiwan #No_Idea #Podcast #沒想法

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