HBO Presents Black and Missing ft. The Racist Saying Missing White Woman Syndrome & Dishonest Media

3 years ago

The People who run over 90% of the media are the ones who scream BLM & protect ALL women, if anyone involved in this production cared about this then they all would be using the power that they have.

This HBO DOC is yet another example of these people being phony and not caring about the issue, they're just using it as a talking point to be RACIST against certain people.
#hboblackandmissing #missingwhitewomansyndrome #blackandmissingdocumentary #blackandmissingfoundation #blackandmissinghbomax #blackandmissingseries #blackandmissingtvshow #blackandmissinghbotrailer #blackandmissinginamerica #blackandmissingtrailer #blackandmissingdocnyc #blackandmissinghbo #missingwhitewomansyndromemsnbc #missingwhitewomansyndromejoy #missingwhitewomansyndromereaction #missingwhitewomansyndromefoxnews #missingwhitewomansyndromesnl #missingwhitewomansyndromegabbymsnbc #missingwhitewomansyndromeinsideedition #comicsgate #fandommenace #thefandommenace #news #politics #wokehollywoodculture #hollywoodpolitics #hollywoodliberalpolitics #hollywoodliberalagenda #derricaandnataliewilson #joyreidmissingwhitewomansyndromemsnbc

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