Tetanus Vaccination is a SCAM designed to STERILIZE YOU!

2 years ago

The Tetanus shot is a scam designed to STERILIZE YOU!

I want ALL OF YOU to go watch the Glenn Beck Special on the #Crimes associated with this #Vaccine (Which is NOT a vaccine) which can be found here:

And afterwards you need to locate "The Stew Peters Show" and download the packet he has put together on the CRIMES COMMITTED BY GOVERNMENT & BIG PHARMA & THE CDC!

Take that packet which actually shows the laws they violated and contains their CONFESSIONS to breaking the Law and send these to your State's Attorney General via CERTIFIED MAIL!

Then, if your AG refuses to PROSECUTE THEM you can prove that that AG is COMPLICIT IN THE CRIMES! Mail this packet to your Congressional Representatives also, along with your Sheriff, local Judges, your Mayor and Health officials!

If you've got the funds send them ALL by certified mail!
But send the one to your AG CERTIFIED MAIL if you gotta scrape change to do it!


The time for standing on the sidelines is over! The time for griping on social media is OVER! It's time to take this to the streets and DEMAND GOVERNMENT ACTION!

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