A Clip from Movie "Breaking With Old Ideas" 文革電影《決裂》片段

4 years ago

"Breaking with Old Ideas" is a 1975 #Chinese film, one of the few that were produced during the #CulturalRevolution. This clip is about a famous scene in which the #Communist Labour University was selecting students. When a professor questioned a young peasant’s qualification, as he only had one year’s high school education, the party secretary grabbed the hand of that peasant and declared that the “calluses on this hand are his qualification for the university!”
文革電影《決裂》片段。共產主義勞動大學在選拔學生。當教授孙子清質疑一位年輕農民的資格,因為他只上過一年中學時,黨委書記龍國正抓住那位農民的手,宣布「這手上的硬繭就是資格!」Truth saves lives. Please support! 真相能救命,敬請支持!
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