Open Minds Season 2 EP 11 Lindsey Scharmyn

2 years ago

A show not to be missed on Open Minds, I have a very special guest this week Lindsey Scharmyn
Lindsey struggled through healing from severe childhood trauma and
came back transformed in order to bring transformative teaching and healing to students of public
school and now to students and fans of her shows Rogue Ways and MIddle Path. She offers spiritual
services, healing, blessings, courses, and orgone and crystal jewelry to empower people to uplift
and heal themselves. She is an author of five books and counting, a Master Teacher, a video and
podcast show host and spiritual guide, and an experiencer of other realms and states of
consciousness and aims to continue uplifting all of herself in order to uplift all of the world.
Host of Rogue Ways: with 4k listeners/viewers or more on YouTube, another 13k from the podcast
distribution, and 7k+ on Rokfin
Author: Published five books - one poetry, one memoir of time teaching on a native reservation in a
remote area, one Oracle/inspirational, and two fictional novels. The fictional novels and the
inspirational were “channeled” and concern the path of the soul, both individual and collective, and
the turning of the ages or yugas. Books on Amazon can be found here:
● ‘All Endings (Are Beginnings)’ - Truly powerful messages from Source await you, are you
listening? Channeled heart and soul medicine exists in this book as an oracle for you to
consult on any matter, big or small, via bibliomancy or to simply grab a snippet as a daily
upliftment and check in with your soul. Keep centered in a stormy world with All Endings (Are
● ‘Sine Curve of Aeons: Phi’Telas’ - Book one in the Sine Curve of Aeons trilogy ravages
humanity in evil clutches that grasp even the highest minds of the Golden Age - leaving those
of us here in the dark age without a chance. Whether the darkness seeps through the
micro-failures of our highest selves or the electronic onslaught of a polluted and modern
disconnection from nature, something of our connection to soul lives on - will it be enough?
● ‘Earth: A Trough in Time’ - Book two in the Sine Curve of Eons trilogy reminds us that love
transcends time and space, life and death, aeons and civilizations while humanity attempts
the same. But, Dante doesn't give a fuck about any of that - he's just trying to survive being
awake in a world of sleepers as he navigates the chaos of the modern world while ancient
foes plot in darkness for eons, following the sine-curve path of humanity's progression,
plotting intimately deceitful and perfected plots to ensnare all but the most vigilant. Even
those most well-connected to the spiritual enigma animating every aspect of being may
stumble and fall… Unlikely allies and powers might upwell within the least of us - but will we
believe with enough clarity to bring what is hidden forth into the light?
● ‘Mutable Realia’ - a collection of whimsical, heartbreaking, uplifting and philosophical poems
from the heart and soul of humanity
● ‘A Gypsy on The Rez’ - a memoir of a young woman’s culture shock and heartbreaking
immersion into a culture foreign and familiar all at once. Time teaching on a Native American
reservation is related in hilarious, irreverent, deeply touching, and soul rending vignettes,
easy to read and hard to forget.
Educator: Masters in Teaching and a National Board Certified Teacher. I tried my hardest to dampen
the damage of the broken indoctrination system and protect children, made it 14 years before giving
up. I love to talk about the intentional conditioning and indoctrination of our youth in order to support
the society of psychopathy that reigns.
Spiritualist: experiencer of other realms via astral travel, dream walking, visions, and interaction with
other-dimensional entities. A Christian-Shaman fusion and a spiritual guide and teacher for others. I
perform cleansings, blessings, spiritual reclamation, and offer teachings and tarot. My tarot journey
included a severe entity attachment that required removal via soul retrieval ceremony. Many
shamanic encounters of a profound nature, as well as synchro-mystic travels through life, leading
me to my purpose.
Transformative Growth: sufferer of trauma, CPTSD, abuse, poverty, drug addiction, and negative
entity attachment transforming myself and my life through healing into health, happiness, and
wholeness. Expert at teaching others to see and hold boundaries against narcissism, gaslighting,
codependence, psychopathy and sociopathy, and borderline personality disorders in order to free
ourselves and live in peace.
Recovered Communist: Member and organizer with the Revolutionary Communist Party USA from
circa 2003-2006 before seeing through the garbage and sick psychology and freeing myself

#Astrotraveling #dreaming #reality #pastlives #conciousness #Multiplerealities #paranormal #spiritbeings #angels #exterterrestials

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