SAVED from SCRAP Campbell Hausfeld 30 Gallon Air Compressor

2 years ago

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What are we doing today?
Attempting to rebuild this Campbell Hausfeld air compressor.

What are we using to complete the work?
Common hand tools

Do you have any concerns about today's work?
Concerns about the pump shaft and pulley. Either or might be a bit wonky.

Why did you decide to do this?
We want to show you ways to achieve quality tools for less.

What's your favorite thing about this work?
Well, we hope this video helps someone be encouraged to purchase or even pull a pile of S(crap) from the junk yard and turn it into a quality too for their own use. It is often true, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Don't have money to buy expensive tools? See if you can fix someone else's and make it your own. This is something YOU CAN DO so REACH OUT with QUESTIONS and don't be afraid of doing the work yourself.

We enjoy engaging with our 2stallgarage family. Thank you for watching today and God bless.

What would you improve, if anything?
We would have had a spare air pump and pulley on hand... At least a pulley.

Any additional thoughts?
We complete work in a small 2 stall garage with limited space. You can do anything you would like to do, no matter the space you have, just plan accordingly and adjust your plans to the size of your workspace. We Believe In YOU!

What's coming to the shop in the future?
The latest Honday Big Red Video! STAY TUNED!

Are you able to do lots of work in a limited space?
Yes, without question. The biggest issues I face in our 2 stall garage is organization. Keeping the workspace organized and both stalls clear of clutter really helps with motivation, which then helps with productivity. Basically, if I see a clean workspace, I'm much more ready to dive into a project or even just scheduled maintenance like today's oil change.

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#saved #scrap #campbell #AirTools

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