#1 World Mastery SHERIFF BUFORD as Dr. Mundo banned unfairly! EULOGY OF HONOR AND RESPECT 1 of many

2 years ago

Chinese Company Tenecent Bans famous SHERIFF BUFORD who was beloved by many. SHERIFF BUFORD is one of the nicest guys I know! He did absolutely nothing nothing nothing wrong. He is struggling to get the new Dr. Mundo to work so he dies a lot. RIOT made Dr. Mundo such a bad champion that they banned him once before because the champion was weak. They banned him again, and RIOT was in the wrong both times.

Read about it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/DrMundoMains/comments/r38oo9/your_favorite_1_dr_mundo_sheriff_buford_banned/

In today's social media, once they try and cancel culture you, they send hate bots to slander you. I saw em try that garbage hate here and I am not standing for it! I'm posting a series of how SHERIFF BUFORD is an all around good guy. As much as I'd rather be playing video games now, I'm going to spend dozens if not hundreds of hours of compiling Eulogy highlights to show how AWESOME of a good friend and patriotic American that BUFORD is! I love the guy. He does not deserve the ban let alone the false slander that came with it. Love is the way, and SHERIFF BUFORD KNOWS IT! Those that love are respected, and I respect BUFORD A LOT! You will too, you'll have fun and enjoy these, cuz he's awesome and fun, funny and good mannered!

Even at 46:25 he hesitates to call Caitlyn's build stupid and changes his words. He isn't even bad mannered when people can't hear him. He's nice ALL THE TIME!

Does China really need to censor video gamers they don't like when the video gamers did no wrong? China has laws to spite their own citizens limiting how many video games they play to get them upset and angry. Why do the Chinese take this? Bioterrorism happened by Chinese leaders. President Xi knowingly killed his own people because he hates Americans so bad. Why do Chinese people take this? I know in the 1950s China was poor and could barely afford for their people to survive, but now they're the world's leading richest country. They could feed everyone 20x over, but their President Xi is so greedy, he'd rather starve their ally North Korea, kill his own people with bio terror, and harvest the organs of anyone who stands in his way. Look, I was just happy playing video games and minding my own business, but when China is stopping one of my best friends from playing video games he really cares about for the past nine years, well then China's leadership brought this on themselves. Someone needs to stop China's leadership before they send out worse and worse bioterrorism at any means. Who's in charge of China? Not Xi.

If you don't know what is going on in the world since the news has been lying to you, catch up here: https://fatherspiritson.com/2021/11/why-were-losing-freedom-in-the-usa/

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