Tolerance Lost Vol 3/3 - 6of16 - Moulden

3 years ago

In 2010 Dr. Andrew Moulden (died in 2013) talks about the problems caused by vaccines: blood clots, strokes, seizures, neurological damage, brain damage, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), autism, speech disorder, attention disorder, schizophrenia, alzheimers, dementia, parkinson's, psychosis, suicidality, depression, bipolar disorder, sudden unexplained death, MASS (explained below) and other problems... this is part of his DVD series Tolerance Lost

At 01:14 he said: "When the next outbreak comes out whether it's avian flu or other pandemic, you guys don't have a choice... you cannot say no, they will put you in detention centers because you're not protecting the public... it's coming, thy've stock piled up over 200 million vaccines for this and they passed and changed the laws so you cannot say no, if you say no off you go in the name of protecting society, this is what we've allowed our system to came to"

Em 01:14 ele diz: "Quando o próximo surto surgir, seja gripe aviária ou outra pandemia, vocês não têm escolha ... vocês não podem dizer não, eles os colocarão em centros de detenção porque vocês não estão protegendo o público ... está vindo; eles acumularam mais de 200 milhões de vacinas para isso e aprovaram e mudaram as leis para que você não possa dizer não, se você disser não será isolado em nome da proteção da sociedade, isso é o que nós permitimos, isso é o que o nosso sistema se tornou"

MASS (Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes) is a new medical discovery developed by Dr. Moulden, it is related to hypoxia disorders and ischemia. It shows that there are situations where blood clotting and sludging does not follow the three classic clotting pathways described in Virchow’s Triad. MASS is closely linked to zeta potential (electrical potential which separates mobile fluid from fluid that remains attached).

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