Gospel Perverts Edwardpf123 & Others: Put Up or Shut Up

3 years ago

Response to Youtube false teachers on the attack against those of us who preach the Biblical Gospel which includes Biblical repentance: of what you are (sin nature), what you DO (sins) and what you believe (unbelief). These perverts hack repentance down to nothing but "repent of unbelief", which the Bible NEVER does.

In this challenge, we DEMAND they either put up or SHUT UP. Will they have the GUTS to stand by their Satanic false message to lost sinners? We shall see...

And since I mentioned it, HERE is the link to the Ruckman clip showing that he does not teach that repentance at salvation is "only our unbelief": https://youtu.be/RSviKbFNO18

You can also read an article by Dr. Ruckman on "Repentance" in the March 2012 Bible Believers Bulletin where he plainly states, "“Evangelical” repentance (i.e., Gospel repentance) is turning from sin and to God." HERE: https://store-hicb8.mybigcommerce.com/content/bbb/2012/Mar.pdf

I am NOT making the case the Ruckman agrees with me or that I am heir to the throne from Peter Ruckman. I am ONLY pointing out that he (as is too often the case) is being MISREPRESENTED whenever he Edwardpf123 and others claim that he teaches that repentance is for "unbelief" and NOT for "sins".


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