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Blame the Unmedicated

3 years ago

This is “Blame the Unmedicated.” This is a comedic satire on the times we live in, and hopefully it’s something you laugh at which is the intention. Join Detective Drew Nancy as he delivers a mandate at a town hall that a certain medicine will be mandated for all drivers because it solves a specific kind of problem, but obviously you as the viewer understand that it creates a whole host of other issues. Sounds very familiar to me when I turn on the news these days. Things have gotten so ridiculous from every perspective I sometimes feel like this could be a documentary. Enjoy this comedic video!

Some words on opioids: I am going to continue making fun of this topic on this channel because I don’t feel like it gets nearly enough attention these days, like it’s being swept under the rug for seemingly bigger problems. But this topic is huge, and it's left many victims in it's wake. I feel the health and political system that allows this problem to fester, should receive ridicule. Lockdowns have made this problem worse, and 2020 was the highest overdose year on record. Millions have died in the last decade, and millions more lives have been affected. This should not be a problem and it is, so I am going to keep drawing attention to this until it’s fixed. If you are recovering from opioid addiction and can laugh at this video, it’s a sign your nearly recovered, and if you're not feel free to click away until you can.

This channel does not support blaming others, no matter which side of an issue you stand on, and especially in health. But systemic problems, viruses, issues, addictions, etc., don't go away unless we talk about them openly. This channel does support laughter, as it is truly the best medicine.


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