The Story of Turtle Island as perceived by Jacob Mowegan Wawatie

3 years ago

The Story of Turtle Island as guarded and shared by Jacob (Mowegan) Wawatie: people coming from Turtle Island understand their existence as a harmonious passage through the land, a living organism. Perceiving Turtle Island as such changes the relationship we have with the territory.

This story will modify the way you comprehend the land, it will help us in bringing back sacred time, honoring the land we come from

Jacob Wawatie was a holy medicine man among the Anishinaabeg Confederacy. He fought against colonialism, capitalism, and the long nightmare of patriarchy. The teachings he imparted in different settings, above all the University of Ottawa, found a path tot the hearts and spirits of hundreds of enlightened students.

He received the guardianship of the story of Akiminak Nimitik (the back of the turtle) directly from his great grandmother who insisted on the sacred nature of this story. Jacob guarded and shared this story as such everytime he had the opportunity to share them, especially with younger generations,
The most important quality of this story is that this IS the natural Constitution of the sentient beings living on the back of the turtle and indigenous peoples living on these territories have to thread the land lightly and lovigly, thusly becoming Good Ancestors.

Share this beautiful story with your friends, your family, your students. and come back to it, from time to time, to keep it as a beacon in your life.

If you had “Enough of the Corruption” – We have some information you May be interested in Researching:

At one time or another, most of us have embarked on an effort to change the current system that has been a part of ourselves and our lives.

As a rule, these sorts of changes don’t occur overnight, they take time and effort.

They tend to evolve through a multistage process:
First stage is voting in another political party to see NO changes.
Then writing your so-called elected politicians to have them ignore your concerns.
Then the next step, you create petitions, that never go anywhere.
Then, you protest and still they do not listen.

Then, you file court cases in their controlled system that is a waste of time and money.
So, after all these steps FAIL, what do you do?

You find a new path and research a plan, to actually create the change that is needed.

Here we have like-minded men and women to work on ideas, a plan, and a commitment to actually solve the problem.

The Problem is the System; yes the system, their system, created by them to enslave the sovereigns.
So, we discovered the problem, it's their plan, their ideology, and their continued commitment to harm everyone.

So, we the sovereign man and woman, are committed, have a plan and a solution.
What is the most powerful document a nation can have?

A Constitution, not just any Constitution, a Constitution written by the sovereigns.

We are encouraging sovereigns to visit the website, do some research and to affirm the constitution.

There is also an Information Hub to ask Questions from 5 - 10 PM Eastern Time, Seven Days a week Days a week

We have constitutions written by sovereigns across the nation who volunteered their time in this great creation to our sovereignty.

We welcome all sovereigns to learn what we are educating, and we look forward to your ideas to achieving this goal for sovereignty.

On this website there are two informative videos you should watch: one is
"Canada a country without a constitution"
and the other is: "Types of government".

How you are Governed! Explained!

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