Macron ATTACKS Boris in FURY over migrants deaths open letter after CANCELLING meeting with UK

2 years ago

FURIOUS France has scrapped a meeting with Priti Patel over solving the Channel migrant crisis. French interior minister Gerald Darmanin has cancelled planned talks with the Home Secretary on Sunday. Paris blew its top after Boris Johnson published a letter that he sent to Emmanuel Macron last night. In the note the PM asked for joint Navy patrols in the Channel and to put UK boots on French beaches. He called for a joint intelligence operation to smash people smuggling gangs, but also said France should agree to take back failed asylum seekers. Mrs Patel was supposed to meet ministers from France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium for talks on the crisis. But last night a raging Mr Darmanin disinvited her in response to the PM's letter, which he called a "disappointment". He fumed: "Making it public made it even worse. I therefore need to cancel our meeting in Calais on Sunday." In a statement his interior ministry added: "We consider the British PM's public letter unacceptable and contrary to our discussions between counterparts. "Therefore, Priti Patel is no longer invited on Sunday to the inter-ministerial meeting whose format will be France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and European Commission

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