Working with Orangutans in Borneo - A Day in The Life

2 years ago

Jack has been working with Orangutans in Borneo for six weeks. Jack was working in a Jungle in Borneo at an Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Sepilok Forest in Borneo. The work Jack was doing is hands-on work trying to rehabilitate the Orangutans and release them back into the wild. Jack worked three different rotations. The first rotation is, he works in an outdoor nursery with the juvenile Orangutans. The second rotation is working in the indoor nursery with the baby Orangutans. The third rotation is doing an outdoor jungle survey which involves going into the jungle to find and monitor the behavior of the released semi-wild Orangutans.
Jack finished his morning work in the Jungle cutting down banana trees for Orangutans enclosures. He also liked the Sunbear Conservation Centre and advised future visitors to visit the center, because these bears are the smallest bears in the world.

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