Danish Parlament to wote on 'Men can give birth to children' Satanic WOKE Agenda [26.11.2021]

2 years ago

Danish Satanic WOKE Agenda in Plain Sight in Danish Parlament
Satanist Pernille Skipper (I know her personally have made interview with her on my old YT channel) "There are MEM who can give birth to children"
Page 5:
'It also does not hang together when a transperson who has completed legal gender to man, on one side by
A statement can get a new social security number that fits with the experienced male gender identity, but on the other hand
Can't be allowed to be the father of the child he feeds. There is also no reason why a transperson must go through a comprehensive and heavy process to get a new first name that fits with the experienced gender identity. '
'Det hænger heller ikke sammen, når en transperson, der har gennemført juridisk kønsskifte til mand, på den ene side ved
en erklæring kan få et nyt personnummer, der passer med den oplevede mandlige kønsidentitet, men på den anden side
ikke kan få lov at være far for det barn, som han føder. Der er heller ikke nogen grund til, at en transperson skal igennem en omfattende og tung proces for at få et nyt fornavn, der passer med den oplevede kønsidentitet.'
Mette Thiesen 'trigger #WOKE Lefties: "Men can NOT give birth to children"
You think it's lie: The other day should decide whether men can give birth to children.
Men can't give birth to children. There are two sexes.
With these facts, Mette Thiesen triggered the woke left ... see with!
Mette Thiesen trigger woke venstrefløj: "Mænd kan altså ikke føde børn"
Man tror, det er løgn: Forleden skulle Folketinget tage stilling til, om mænd kan føde børn.
Mænd kan ikke føde børn.
Der findes to køn.
Med disse fakta triggede Mette Thiesen den woke venstrefløj... Se med!

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