Just Weeks Before The Fall of America in Afghanistan Our Military Was Focused Elsewhere

3 years ago

Look, I don’t give a damn what someone’s choices are, their skin color, or what planet they’re from as long as they are mission ready. As someone who served over 30 years from the lowest enlisted rank to full colonel and as a senior commander, I can safely say most people in uniform even today have the same view. The transgender issue is one of readiness for me, medically, mentally, and physically, and unless one can prove their readiness to serve, they shouldn’t. The military takes the same approach regardless of someone’s race, orientation, or whatever. There are some things that make people not ready, like being overweight, undergoing cancer treatment. losing an appendage etc. Lets stop playing these games with our armed forces, the world is a much too dangerous place for these young people not to be totally focused on the mission, to be ready to fight and win if God forbid we have to go into combat.

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