Pfizer Files

3 years ago

An employee of Pfizer apparently thought that some of what Pfizer was doing should be exposed to the public. She downloaded thousands of files which show the ingredients in the Pfizer shots.

Pfizer asked a judge to grant a restraining order on this (now ex) employee, which was partially granted. Isn't that funny- Pfizer is the one killing thousands of people with their toxic ingredients- but it's Pfizer who gets the protection. Does that make sense?

SO= Pfizer can sue the People but the People can't sue Pfizer?
Who is protecting the People? Not our tyrannical government.

Obviously Pfizer doesn't want their "trade secrets" getting out- because I bet you- if the public only knew the truth of what was in those ingredients they are calling "vaccines" the general public would be forced to wake up and SEE the truth- That Pfizer and many of the other Pharmaceutical Giants (Harm-aceuticals) are actually perpetrating Genocide on the masses. (us- We the PEOPLE).

IF you really want to learn more, from the INSIDERS of the Pharmaceutical industry- this link has a lot of information:

This video was deleted and I was given a "strike" on my account by youtube. This is the sixth video that has been deleted and I was censored by youtube, who is owned by Larwence Edward Page (Larry Page) who also owns Google and Alphabet Inc. The Censorship is HUGE. Censorship always occurs before genocides happen.

What I find strange is the main stream medias also covered this story- Here is just one example Global News:

I guess it was my spin or perspective of this story that Youtube didn't approve of.

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