Child Adorably Belly Laughs While Meeting Llamas for the First Time

2 years ago

Johanita is a beautiful five year old child who is meeting llamas for the first time in her life. She is feeding them some salt from her hand and the experience makes her laugh with extreme joy. Whether it is the feel of them tickling her hand or the delight at the interaction with these large creatures is hard to know, but Johanita is loving every minute of this.

Johanita has not had as much experience with animals or nature as many children her age. She has been battling a brain tumour and much of her time since the age of 18 months has been spent either in hospital, or at home recovery from the numerous surgeries and treatments that she has gone through. But all of this is behind her now and she is healthy and growing stronger each day. Her family has taken her on an excursion to an archeological site in Ecuador that features beautiful scenery and fascinating history, but for Johanita, the highlight was the opportunity to interact with a herd of more than 100 gigantic and wooly animals.

The people who run this interactive site provide a few salt packages to guests who would like to meet the animals up close. The llamas know the routine and they come running across the grass when they see a group of friendly guests.

The llamas crowded around Johanita, eager to get their share and she quickly caught on that an outstretched hand would draw them right up to her. Fearless and enthusiastic, this young girl is truly experiencing the joy of life for the first time in her young life. She has some catching up to do and her family is working hard to provide their daughter with every opportunity.

For Johanitaès parents and brothers, the highlight of their day was hearing the beautiful sound of her belly laughs as she throws her head back with sheer joy and delight.

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