Mike Lindell’s Thanks-A-Thon, The Supreme Court Case regarding voting election integrity

2 years ago

Mike Lindell has crafted an amazing document complaint with the help of Kurt Olson. The purpose of this complaint was to provide structure for the attorney generals of each state to be able to file for the supreme court. Remember, the 2020 election crime effected everybody and we’re in the middle of the biggest coverup of American History. Why do you think more and more people are beginning to join the idea that cheating was involved in the 2020 election? Remember, the only way to get our country back is to have a grassroots movement to never give up and the only reason we’re getting some traction is because we have to be tenacious in the face of mass censorship. Also, every time someone tries to look at these fraud allegations, the election commissions always seem to step in and obstruct so what are they trying to hide. Here is one example, in Pennsylvania, there were 49,000 more votes than there were voters so why were they certified? Pennsylvania is a prime example of this. Now as of February every county has been counted and the amount of votes STILL exceeds the amount of voters. The one thing in common is that all of these states weakened their mail-in ballot measures. “This September, it was revealed Maricopa county officials were destroying electronic records in violation of Federal Law”. Also, Professor Haldermann demonstrated in a Georgia court that dominion machines can be easily hacked across at least 16 states. And then Brad Raffensberger, the secretary of the state, refused to even look at the report from Professor Haldermann. And then the governor of Georgia Brian Kemp is involved with a 110 million dollar deal with Dominion machines, what? Why isn’t the judge in Professor Haldermann’s case refusing to release the report to CISA so they can take a look at it regarding election voting fraud. What can be a bigger threat to American democracy then the vulnerabilities of these machines that will allow voting corruption to continue is beyond anyone’s guess. And then there is the nursing home vote harvesting in Wisconsin where a sheriff had done an investigation and is recommending a criminal investigation, but he’s not just recommending an investigation, he has referred criminal charges for prosecution. So to recap, in Pennsylvania we have more voters than voted, in Wisconsin at least 50,000 ballots have been tainted through nursing homes when Donald Trump lost the state by 20,000 votes. This should be national news, the biggest enemy we have is the media, before the election you start with the propaganda. Remember, if you don’t fix the 2020 election, you will lose your country. We give representation to election officials and they’re supposed to represent us, and if they don’t represent us then we don’t have a constitutional republic anymore. If you don’t have election integrity and a true voting result, then you have oligarchy and tyranny but not a republican form of government. If we don’t get to the bottom of the election of 2020 then we’re giving these tyrants the green light to keep doing what they’re doing because we’re signaling to them that we are not a constitutional republic anymore. And now we have reports that the CIA pressured analysts to not support the thesis that China interfered in our election. The best information should always be given to the commander in chief and we’re getting reports that the CIA pressured them to withhold that information. And Robert F Kennedy sounded the alarm about how the CIA knew that the pandemic was coming all the way back in October. You have start to wonder how clean is the CIA and whose side are they playing for? A government implemented through a stolen election is not a republican form of government. There’s no getting around it, if the machines are online again for the year of 2022 our country will be lost because they are going to be so blatant and they’ll be no one to appeal to. Only legal votes count and if we can’t abide by this then we no longer have a republic. You have to wonder what is behind all the death threats against people who are trying to expose this voter fraud. When you have cyber-attacks everyday, the biggest one in history which was all about money. If you put all this protection on it and the bad guys finally get through, you fix the breach with the white hat hackers and they put more security and they wait for the bad guys to break in again. But when you are planning for a nationwide attack to steal the election, we will lose our country if we don’t fix this quickly. The one way to solve it is to never have a machine again and count votes manually. People have been cheating in elections for a long time so relaxing election laws resulting in increase of fraud happening shouldn’t surprise anyone. And what about Arizona, where Biden won by such a small margin of about 10,000 votes. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of thousands of questionable votes that were brought up by cyber Ninjas and Cypher and also they allowed an additional 52,000 votes to be counted even though in previous elections these votes would be considered illegal because they registered too late. It just keep going on with the amount of duplicate votes, the amount of illegal votes, dead voters, people who voted who were not even living in Arizona.

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