Danish Mads Palsvig 'World Freedom Alliance' Demonstration Milano Italy [Nov 13, 2021]

2 years ago

Note: 'World Freedom Alliance' Demostration in Copenhagen Denmark tomorrow... I will go and see how many 'awake' people who come...
I wrote this (on danish) under Mads Palsvig's video, let's see if he delete it.
Att.: Mads Palsvig
- Are things connected?
- Systematic crimes and sick satanist LGBTQia + pedophilia agenda?
- Is there public 'freedom fighters' that support LGBTQIA + and pedophilia?
- Is there anything called 'Healthy' pedophilia?
- Does Mads Palvig and other 'Freedom fighters' give 'Talk Time' to this sick 'person'?
- Does this 'person' just be in MSM with the resent municipal elections?
- Which 'party' did he set up for?
- Which people does he collaborative with?
- Do I have it all on video from a Demo a couple month back at Amalienborg, where I on open microphone and with about 200 with demostrants was confronted by this person?
- Is there 'freedom fighters' who give 'talk time' to this person?
There is NO such thing as a Coincidence!

I could go one ... See these videos, do your own research or would you also be silent about what is going on?

Two of my videos about and with Mads Palsvig and I have much more, also private emails...

17.04.2020 Demonstration imod 5G, fascistisk influenza lov mm

Aug 29, 2020. Part 1) Frihed eller Fascisme? Mads Palsvig fortæller.

The Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod is a pedophile ... documented [13.02.2021]
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the legal system keeps his hand over him.

Nanna Fri - Forbryder eller Frihedskæmper? [16.03.2021]

Men in Black, Denmark Demonstration Copenhagen 'Constitution Day' [05.06.2021]

Systematic Pedophilia & Child Trafficking BIG trives in Denmark Part 1-16
Part 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/fD5QOJ7lT8jg/ (intro) [24.07.2021]
Part 2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8ChKZXdXxuOO/ (Nanna Fri) [24.07.2021]
Part 3 https://www.bitchute.com/video/h5RcIgIfQoom/ (Per Rye Dannerfjord)[24.07.2021]
Part 4 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ENwaM7ZP6cbH/ (Anette Fri-Vilje Aurora)[24.07.2021]
Part 5 https://www.bitchute.com/video/MwQi4bvBgJfM/ (A Message to the World from Denmark)[24.07.2021]
Part 6 https://www.bitchute.com/video/JjPC6CukGvTG/ (Christina Pihl Rasmussen)[24.07.2021]
Part 7 https://www.bitchute.com/video/FRZYAJwfdTh4/ (Per Rye Dannerfjord)[24.07.2021]
Part 8 https://www.bitchute.com/video/cMqiOdQPT8x6/ (Jeanette Strauss)[24.07.2021]
Part 9 https://www.bitchute.com/video/BKA1ernBpITx/ (Mads Krarup Nielsen)[24.07.2021]
Part 10 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ReHMLgASAmof/ (Claus Kristiansen)[24.07.2021]
Part 11 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8HWnwTKWufd1/ (Danny N Andersen (Dna))[24.07.2021]
Part 12 https://www.bitchute.com/video/00JROcQ92wak/ (Heidi Svanborg [20.08.2021]
Part 13 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q44yMAQ2QkUd/ (Nathalie 6 år) [17.09.2021]
Part 14 https://www.bitchute.com/video/E0CrUtw9Sjtj/ (Anette Fri-Vilje) [21.09.2021]
Part 15 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jqu7o9sj4UP0/ (Child Demostration d 10.10.2021)
Part 16 Another 'Warning' from YouTube + Situation Update Denmark [28.10.2021]

- Are the politicians sick sexually derailed? (Yes)
- Is it an old 'culture' in Denmark? (Yes)
- Was Denmark the first country in the world that released the Porn? (Yes)
- Was Denmark throughout the world's Mecca for child pornography? (Yes)
- Was child porn legally in Denmark for 11 years? (Yes)
- Are all politicians silent about these conditions? (Yes)
- Are they then a part of this sick pedophilia & children's trading agenda? (Yes)
- Does the elite hold your hand over each other? (Yes)
- Is the legal system total rotten and corrupt? (Yes)
- Are things conected? (Yes)

'There is NO such thing as a Coincidence!'
Tomorrow Saturday November 27, there is another 'World Freedom Alliance' demonstration at Town Hall Square (Rådhuspladsen) at 14:00 - 17:00 and then a torch march down Strøget and Christiansborg.
Note: First Mads Palsvig wrote that the Demo would go to the Danish Queen at Amalienborg, apparently not now...

Video info:
'Robert Kennedy was in Europe to support the referendum on Sunday 28 November 2021 and then in Milan for, among other things, to tell about his book on the major criminal fauci.

Published November 26, 2021 1 Views
madspalsvig - https://jfk21.dk/ (also in english)
DL link: https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/Z/0/D/L/Z0DLc.haa.mp4

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