CCP Left Wing Followers: Trump Positive for Virus Is "Very Very Good" 中共毛左大媽庆祝川普染疫

3 years ago

In Beijing, CCP's China. When being interviewed about President Donald J. Trump's positive #Covid19 test, a woman said that "The entire country celebrates; all of the heavens and the earth rejoice together. Very Very good. This is a gift & contribution from Trump to China". Chinese people have been brainwashed by the CCP dictator and assumed all democratic countries enemies. Although those women in the video do not represent all Chinese, it shows the depth of the dictatorship of the CCP over the mindset of the Chinese people.
The original video:
北京街头。有民眾就 #川普 总统确诊 #新冠病毒 一事接受采访时,毛左大媽表示「举国欢庆,普天同庆,非常非常好。这是特朗普给中国的一个献礼。」中國民眾長期接受中共洗腦,以歐美國家為假象敵,善惡不分,喪失中華民族最基本的傳統美德。視頻中的現象並不能代表中國民眾,而是被中共洗腦後的毛左(類似於西方的極端左派)的反應。從這些令人難過的現象中,足可見獨裁中共對中國人民的思想控制之深,之惡。

#PresidentTrump #PositiveCovid19Test

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