CCP's leftist followers Celebrating President Trump's Infection of COVID 美國總統川普染疫,中共毛左幸災樂禍

4 years ago

On Oct. 2, somewhere in #CCP's #China, these people are celebrating President Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump's infection of #COVID19 #COVID #CCPVirus. The banner says, "Happy celebration and congratulations for Mr. & Mrs. Trump for your infections of COVID19". They shout the same thing. Chinese government has been using all media to attack the president of the United States since President Trump tried to stop the wrongdoings of CCP. Most of Chinese people only received information from CCP so they are completely brainwashed even unable to distinguish China and CCP.

10月2號,一群中共國毛左慶祝 #川普 夫婦感染 #中共病毒,人性全無,令人唾棄。中共長期利用媒體散播一己之言,中國人被長期洗腦,善惡不分,有些人甚至喪失了最基本的同情心,背棄中華民族之傳統美德。

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