2 years ago

Hitler introduced an 'Enabling Act', he stated it was to keep the German people safe.

The 'Enabling Act' allowed Hitler to be a dictator, an evil tyrant. Murdering, imprisoning, murdering, torturing, forcing human experiments on millions of people.

Jacinda Ardern introduced an 'Enabling Act' namely 'The COVID-19 Health and Response Act'. Which enables Ardern and her political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington to control, restrict the lives of New Zealanders. Now she is after the lives of our children, to jab them with a injection that is classified as provisional. (A not known yet, inconclusive)

MEDSAFE website states that 'trials are still taking place as to adverse events and mortality'.

There is no data as to whether safe or not for pregnant women, for breast fed babies, or those with auto immune disease. Yet time and time again the public are told these provisional classified jabs are very safe and effective.

The legal fictions continue as New Zealanders continue to be controlled in a police state of existence. This is not living, it's merely surviving.

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