even tho they're sheep that watch dancing w/ the stars...

2 years ago

just ran a stop sign, ag is not thankful for the rules
thankful for the eyes He has given me to understand God's rules and why they are better for us
grateful for my fam even tho they dunno the sports are rigged
always amazed as to how much we differ, however...
my fam is always the same, which is kinda comforting
every 5min this world gets more rancid
even tho they're sheep that watch dancing w/ the stars...
they're still good people regardless
they tried to raise me right even if they were wrong
i can count on them to be boring
they always get onto me about the same shit
i am consistently annoying, we know this
to no avail since i reject the modern world
naturally they get offended by my seemingly rebellious nature
i thank God for that realization
i'm not angry anymore, i no longer try to change them
i can appreciate them for what they are

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