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Dr.Shankara Chetty:“對_時事_抱持懷疑是很重要的!恐懼、脅迫,讓人們失去判斷力……C_19 vaccine新冠疫苗,正在無形間、跨度性的殺死無數民眾”

3 years ago

Dr. Shankara Chetty (a general practitioner with a natural science background in genetics, advanced biology, microbiology and biochemistry):
Spike protein is one of the most contrived toxins or poisons that man has ever made, and the aim of this toxin is to kill billions without anyone noticing it.

Shankara Chetty 博士(在遺傳學、高等生物學、微生物學和生物化學領域,具有自然科學背景的全科醫生):
#vaccine death

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