How to Create a Healthy Plate or a Healthy Balanced Meal? Healthy Eating Made Simple

3 years ago

In today’s video, I show you how to create a healthy plate and share some easy nutrition tips that will make being healthy a lot easier. This way of eating is suitable for anyone who’s trying to be healthy. My healthy plate method is focused on keeping your blood glucose and insulin low, provide you with plenty of nutrients and keep you full and satisfied.

If you’re new to my channel, my name is Greta and I’m an online nutritionist and a health coach who supports the clean low carb keto diet. I'm the founder of Advanced Nutrition and Health.
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So first, most of your plate, around 75% by volume should be filled with non-starchy vegetables.

Non-starchy veggies are very low in calories, so, it wouldn’t keep you full and satisfied if you ate only that. I’ll show you how to create a balanced healthy meal that keeps you full and satisfied.

Why choose non-starchy carbohydrates? Because 90-100% of starchy carbohydrates get broken down into sugar in our bodies. Starch is a lot of glucose molecules bound together. Too much glucose in our diets leads to more insulin, more insulin resistance, weight gain, and increased risk of various chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and dementia.

Starchy carbohydrates include bread, rice, all types, white, brown, black rice, and potatoes. These types of carbohydrates should be replaced by non-starchy carbohydrates as they are higher in nutrients and much lower in sugar. Following this simple rule, you will age slower, be leaner, and be able to reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

Then, coming to the protein sources. Your protein source should take around ¼ of your plate.

When choosing your protein source, make sure your meat is organic grass-fed, and your fish is wild.

If you’re a vegetarian or a vegan, you can use the same rules to calculate the amount of protein from foods such as organic tofu, lentils, beans, or other protein sources.

Many people find eating enough vegetables difficult. The key to making vegetables taste delicious is by adding some healthy fat to them. Don’t be afraid to add some grass-fed butter, organic extra virgin coconut oil, or extra virgin olive oil to your salads, or your cooked vegetables.

Watch my other video where I debunk the myth that fat causes heart disease, I share several high-quality studies showing that animal fat has no effects on heart disease risk:

Also, your protein source does not have to be lean. In fact, lean protein can spike your blood glucose and insulin much more. Fat in the protein helps to digest it and reduce this sugar and insulin spike.

Why should someone use my Healthy Plate method and follow my nutrition tips?
Our current dietary guidelines tell us to get most of our calories from starchy carbohydrates, while in fact, our bodies do not require any of these foods.
What happens when you follow the food pyramid or the eat well plate/eat well guide?
-You end up gaining weight and deteriorating your health.

Our diets should aim to provide us with all the nutrients that our bodies need to function and keep our blood glucose and insulin at low levels. That’s the key to good health. That’s a very easy nutrition tip that can make you have a much longer and healthier life.

If you feel that your meal didn't provide you with enough nutrients, have a smoothie on the side

A low-sugar smoothie recipe:
1 glass of water,
2 handfuls of organic kale or spinach,
½ a lemon,
12 drops of liquid stevia
1 handful of berries such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, or cranberries.

Mix everything together for 1 minute.

In this video, I also share some of my healthy plate examples. I hope after watching this video you learned how to make a healthy plate. Healthy eating is not that difficult after all when you implement these easy nutrition tips.

If you would like to be personally coached by me, join my weight loss program here, I do things differently:

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Watch my other videos:

Top 5 Weight Loss Myths That Prevent You From Losing Weight.

Top 11 Foods To AVOID

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