OZ - from Plandemic Scamdemic 3 - A MrTruthBomb Film

2 years ago

Australia is under attack. Indiginous peoples are being hauled off... to a much better place, usually called a CAMP. Can't have any indiginous peeps around who have the knowledge of our past... who we are, from where? Nope, it's not the big bang bullshit!

One face of FEMA (diff vid) is quite vile. Threatening, as if there is just one unvaxed person, that person would be responsible for killing everyone else. With a madness in his eyes and evil sounds emanating from his toothy orifice that harkens to someone who hates dogs so much that he would kick them down the street for fun, while screaming commands, but the dog has lost all respect and runs like hell were after him. Unheard of from a dog, unless trained (beaten)...

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