Dr. Mattias Desmet Dire Warning, The Totalitarian System that is happening in America WILL GET WORSE

2 years ago

What I don’t understand about the collectivist mindset, you can’t save the entire forest by protecting one tree, but we are putting our economy, healthcare system, our education system at risk by this hyper focus on the COVID-19. It is completely irrational, so what is actually happening? In a totalitarian state, people are hypnotized because dissenting voices have effectively been silenced and that is when we enter the danger zone because that is when a totalitarian system commits its greatest atrocities. So how to fight back against such a system? You have to survive and you have to speak out and eventually the system will collapse on itself. If the opposition becomes silenced, the hypnosis becomes deeper and deeper until the hypnotized masses commit atrocities or when atrocities become normalized against people dissenting against the vaccine mandates. Remember, on average, only 30% of the population goes along with the totalitarian state and then there is 40% who just go along with the group. The last group is the ones that are not hypnotized who are heterogenous and the only way to break this totalitarian grip, this group needs to rally around each other and amplify the truth. Why are some people not effected by mass formation? The ones who are not hypnotized are awake for a variety of reasons, maybe they experienced it firsthand when they lost their job, or when authorities threatened to jab their kids, etc. The people going along with the idea that the vaccines are the best way to protect your immune system are people that feel aligned with a biological protectionist ideology, they feel that the government knows best. However, the prognosis is quite grim and I predict that no matter what the dissenters do we will see a sweep of totalitarianism across the population in the next year or so. If this process continues, our society will become more and more of a transhumanist society and I really don’t see an easy way out if there is a way out at all. I know one thing for sure, The people who object and protest and are not sensitive to the mass formation must keep speaking out and must come together because it is imperative FOR THEIR SURVIVAL. It also depends on the level of intelligence and the level of education which will predict whether or not your are susceptible to mass formation. What about the level of anxiety? I think we have a lot of anxiety in both groups of people especially those that are trying to oppose the totalitarian tendencies of the government. Also people who have intuition that there is something deep in their gut is telling them that something is wrong, but at the same time you have to realize that a lot of people have SO MUCH invested in these failed vaccines and the failed policies of the NIH, CDC, and the FDA. So how can we sway people more toward our side and away from the craziness that is engulfing them? The most important thing is to keep speaking out and keep saying that you do not agree with the mainstream media, it is a phenomenon that is provoked by the constant penetration of the consciousness. In other words, without the mass media campaign, there would be no mass formation. What we have to convince each other is to disturb the hypnosis somehow and keep speaking out. Dr. Mattias Desmet said that he realized that the entire COVID-19 was being over exaggerated back in May 2020, because that is when statistics were coming out that showed that COVID-19 was actually not that lethal. We have to continually share counter argument hypotheses because that will shake the hypnosis from the hypnotized. Dr. Mattias Desmet is also suggesting that perhaps maybe we need to create a new fear for people to focus on in order to bring their hypnosis from the COVID-19 mania, mainly suggesting that we are at risk of becoming a totalitarian society. If people start to become more scared of a new object and you offer a new strategy for said object, that may be something that the anti-vaccine mandates have to focus on in order to prevent conflict. What we need more than ever is documentaries showing side by side footage of totalitarian regimes for example in 1930 Germany and compare them with totalitirain COVID-19 measures today. This should be enough to wake up some people at least. Look at what is happening in Australia and Austria, if you think that those extreme measures aren’t going to come to America at some point, you have to rethink your worldview! What is going on is an absurdity has gripped our population that allows them to make leaps of logic that defies all ethical and humane standards. In terms of creating an opposition to this totalitarian message, how are we supposed to fight back against big tech oligarchs. To end on a hopeful note, totalitarianism and mass formation is never sustainable in that we are dealing with a strong enemy but it can never last. So basically, we have to keep speaking out and we also have to survive for the next few years.

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