The New World Order's Corporation of Pedophiles Is The Virus & We The Sovereign People Are The Cure

2 years ago

The enemy of humanity was counting on a sleeping population to be able to complete their plans. They've employed generations of mind control that's culminated in the Covid-Menticide that they've unleashed upon this world by inflicting a systematic and intentional undermining of the conscious mind.

They thought we could be controlled, but what they didn't plan for was the human element, the love and unity we share with one another that has propelled us into The Great Awakening.

Now that the enemy has tipped their hand and their genocidal intention has been laid bare, they can no longer retreat back into the shadows because they are seen.

Humanity is being pulled together by a power that is greater than ourselves. Our eyes have been opened, and we can finally see the matrix construct for what it truly is, and it is crumbling.

The People United Can Never Be Defeated

And when this is over, we'll be able to experience something we've never had before... a world without them.

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