2 years ago

Why is this movement, OUR DUTY and message being censored, removed, banned and ignored? Think critically and decide for yourself. Is this too vast of an idea? Does it equally threaten the Republican party as well as the Democrat party? YES IT DOES! DEAL WITH IT! IT'S OUR DUTY! Is this why this movement is being ignored by big names that can make it happen quickly? The NWO, globalist, communist and both parties are threatened by THE PEOPLE successfully seizing the power and investigating them.

The People need to realize that the problem is not one political party or the other. It's both! Both parties are infiltrated by traitors.

Bar attorneys are Esquires that represent The British Accreditation Registry (The BAR). YES THE VERY PEOPLE WE DECLARED OUR INDEPENDANCE FROM in 1776 still RULE over each and every one of us. They pay into and swear an allegiance to the BAR. If they are in congress or political office they are acting in treason. By default they are literally the enemy. They were brought up in a corrupt system and they need to get out.

One can not swear an oath to defend The Constitution against foreign and domestic enemy's while literally, actually being a domestic and foreign enemy! The Supreme Court is made up of BAR attorneys. EVERYONE MUST DESTROY THEIR BAR CARD AND CONVERT INTO A CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER. There is much to be done. We must reform all governments! It requires New Guards and an investigative agency of, by and for THE PEOPLE!

Either get on board with the PBI or watch the transfer of power go right to new set of bar attorneys that only appear to be less corrupt. Our government must be self governed and consist of teachers, construction workers, firemen, nurses, small business owners, the regular every day middle class people. NOT BAR ESQUIRES! To see the entire detail regarding THE PBI watch the rumble video titled "THE PLAN" is finally revealed! The People will take back the power.

telegram https://t.me/ThePeoplesBureauOfInvestigation

VERY IMPORTANT! EVERYONE MUST go to the basic training page and get constitutional education by Carl Miller! The Constitution is a contract that protects us from total Tyranny. If we all knew what Carl teaches NONE OF THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED! If you do not watch Carl's teaching you deserve whatever comes your way. There are no excuses!

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