The Miracle Cure In Japan For Covid Virus Is IVERMECTIN

3 years ago

Antivirals in Japan Ivermectin allowed as a treatment on August 13 Doctors can
prescribe without restrictions People can buy it legally from India.

On August 24th about 12 days after Ivermectin was allowed to be given in Japan the covid cases started to drop.

Today 11/24/21 there are almost NO cases of covid-19 in Japan.

The reason is Japan has allowed the KNOWN cure, Ivermectin, for the covid-19 virus to be given to those who want or need it.

This is PROOF POSITIVE that Ivermectin will kill the covid-19 virus.

Doctors in the United States are no allowed to talk about Ivermectin as a cure for covid-19.

The CDC only allows doctors to tell patients, ie potential victims, that the covid-19 "vaccine" and "boosters" are safe and effective.

This is a total 100% LIE.

The covid-19 vaccine is not effective or safe.

There is NO need to ever get the useless and dangerous covid-19 vaccine or boosters!

There is and was a KNOWN cure for the covi-19 virus from the day the CDC lied and said there was no cure or treatment. IVERMECTIN

The CDC along with the pharmacutical companies continue to cause the demise of people with their covid-19 "vaccine" and "boosters" which reduces your natural immune system's ability to fight off infections.

With each "booster" shot you get you are reducing your natural immune system's ability to function in a normal manner!

DR Campbell Teaching Videos

(Youtube) Its amazing to me these super videos are still on youtube considering their total cancel policy about the truth about the covid-19 virus, boosters and the known cure IVERMECTIN. (Amazing Information)

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