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Dr Stefan Lanka

3 years ago

Do viruses exist. Is what we think we know about virology completely wrong. Dr Stefan Lanka offered 100, 000 euros to anyone that could prove measles virus exist..

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  • 0/2000
  • https://rumble.com/vpgs9z-bioweapons-3-crispr-tools-for-gene-editing-in-the-brain.html in the very beginning of this video around 3 minutes 30 seconds and on. within 10 seconds he'll admit, how did they get into our cells? simply via viruses. how does one mutate DNA simply via rna, through viruses infiltrating us through our lymphocyte B cells. I have been saying this over and over and over and I will never stop. it was never by ingestion it was always by injection. the progression of autoimmune illnesses allergies autism. many of these illnesses LinkedIn with those that can't methylate properly. AKA MTHFR SNP gene mutations. I'm not without knowledge on this. and there is also severe issues within our society and the use of pesticides. which not only mimic our estrogen but they also mimic glycine. leaving an open door for certain things like prions to bypass the blood-brain barrier by being able to have an open door into our cell. I want you to realize that Ted Nugent did a huge study, in Wisconsin, trying to find and prove prions disease in nature and they could not do it. there was a handful of animals that were sick, but it was because of the conglomerate farms around them. and like I said it's not by ingestion it's by injection or by the animal having a sore within their mouth or on their whose legs body anywhere. the very fact that prions can bring us ALS MS Parkinson's the inherited version huntington's. these were not from mad cow, they were always by injection. this infuriates me to my core as well. I've witnessed within my own family. cattle farming as well my husband's father's part inventor of a specific Roundup 1978. I'm not without information. I'm going to post this so it post.