Free BNB from flash loan arbitrage.--Metamask has been hacked!!

3 years ago

In this video, you can see how I used Flash Loan to Self – Arbitrage on Binance Smartchain. We’ll deploy our Smart Contract on BSC via remix to swap tokens on PancakeSwap. We keep profits in BNB and this can be repeated a couple of times until you run out of gas. The higher the volatility, the higher profits are due to price changes. Follow the instructions in the video.

Here’s a link on how to add Binance Smart Chain network to Metamask:

1. Open up Remix:

2. Create new file and paste the Flash Loan contract from the link

3. Set Remix compiler version to 0.5.0 and change environment to Injected Web3.

4. Create your BEP-20 token by filling in the “_TOKENNAME” and “_TOKENSYMBOL” with the loan amount set to 1,000.Click transact to deploy when done.

5. Fund your deployed Smart Contract address with 0.15 BNB preferably or higher for payment of gas fees.

7.Lastly, Click on “flashloan” to execute the arbitrage and you’re done.

Make sure to transfer your BNB out to another wallet when you’re done.

NOTE: Sometimes, the arbitrage might fail due to depletion of BNB in your smart contract/wallet as gas price varies from time to time. Calm down, all you have to do is wait a little while (5 -10 mins) and retry the transaction this time preferably with 2000 loan amount and 0.20 BNB gas fees and it should work 100% but with a smaller profit.

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