Do you struggle to know what’s going on inside your body? Unlisted Video

2 years ago

Do you struggle to know what’s going on inside your body?

Then this message is for you.

But first let me tell you something amazing: Your body is communicating with itself every second.

When you ask it a question 13 trillion neurological cells scan to give you an answer within 3 seconds to your conscious mind.

When you get the answer, it is never loud, so most of us think we just made something up.

We might even feel tempted to edit the answer or to block it out.

There are so many ways we dishonour our bodies because this is what we have been trained to do since birth.

I know this from experience.

I used to shut my body up BIG TIME, till I got hit by a truck.

Have you heard of the expression feather brick truck?

I was such a tough student that the Universe had to go, feather, brick, truck, truck, and more truck.

I have just finished writing a couple of books about it, which you will hopefully get to enjoy next year!

Here are some of the lessons I learned.

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