Rittenhouse: I was being used for a cause

2 years ago

Rittenhouse: I was being used for a cause
Nov. 23, 2021 - 10:06 - Kyle Rittenhouse speaks out on his original legal representation and time in jail after turning himself in on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

Rittenhouse: I Spent 87 Days in Jail Because Lin Wood, John Pierce
‘Used’ Me to Raise Money ‘For Their Own Benefit’
IAN HANCHETT | 22 Nov 2021 | 4,819

Mike • 18 hours ago
Sounds like a precursor for a law suit.

This young man is gonna hit back hard. So hard, that all the phony
lawyers around the country will be forced into early retirement because
of lack of money for a decent enough security detail.
All the phony shysters are now coming out of the woodwork trying to
save themselves. McAllister, but also the folks who went all the way in
2012 with Sandy hook, claiming that Rittenhouse was back then known as
Noah Pozner.

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