WHO: Vaccines should only be mandatory “as a last resort” in case of “absolute refusal”

2 years ago

Full transcript of what David Nabarro, Special Envoy on Covid-19 for the World Health Organization, says:

"You know, I am one of these people who *always* hopes that it's possible to approach a problem like this through partnership between people and different authorities. Local authorities, national authorities, even global authorities. After all, we're in this together and people are the only solution that the world has to dealing with this virus. There's no magic bullet or whatever you might call it, that's gonna come along and help. It's people and people working together.

"So, if it's at all possible to avoid having to require people to be vaccinated, otherwise they get some kind of penalty, I'd really prefer that. If, on the other hand, there's absolute refusal, then I quite understand governments looking at the possibility mandating. Like many things, I would see this as a last resort."

Source: https://twitter.com/Kukicat7/status/1463158972479856656

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