Australian politician Ann Bressington exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome on 2 Feb 2013

2 years ago

Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome, Sustainable Development, at the Lord Monckton Launch 2 Feb 2013 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Full transcript from 17:00 until the end:
In 1972 the Club of Rome published the alarmists Limits to growth document, warning of worldwide overpopulation, the need for sustainable development. This was the beginning of the slow process of social engineering and programming people to accept that the planet is struggling to sustain life. On the 8th of October 1973 the New York Times reported a quote from Ted Turner, also Club of Rome: "The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history."

In 1987 Mikhail Gorbachev, also member of Club of Rome, said, "We are moving toward a New World Order, the world of communism and we shall never turn off that road." He also quoted in 1996 Monetary and economic review on page 5, "The environmental crisis will be the International disaster that will unlock the New World Order one-world government." In 1992 came the Earth Summit which produced the document called the Earth Charter. This document was written by Morris Strong, longtime globalist elitist member of Club of Rome and Mikhail Gorbachev. Both Strong and Gorbachev stated that it was hoped that this document would be adopted as the new Ten Commandments with environmentalism as the new one-world religion. Out of this summit came Agenda 21.

Ted Turner, who is also a member of the Club of Rome, was quoted as saying in 1996, "The total population of 250 to 300 million people is ideal. That means a reduction of 95 percent from present levels would be even more ideal. Anyone who abhors the China one-child policy is simply a dumb-dumb." In 1998 the Baltimore Sun reported on July the 7th, most of Ted Turner's first donation to the UN of $22 million went to programs that seek to stall population. Another goal of the depopulation process is that the upcoming generation will submit to sterilization to save Mother Earth.

Ladies and gentlemen, everything I've said here tonight can be verified by document searches and it is now time for us all to take off our blinkers and encourage our neighbors to take off their blinkers. It's also time for you to demand that every person you elect fully understands this policy that is being rolled out by a local, state and federal government at a concerning rate. We're not talking about decades, we're talking about only years before this is fully implemented. And every day another law is passed to is introduced to produce the end game of Agenda 21 being fully implemented.

So the question that Lord Monckton asks 'Carbon tax, climate change and Agenda 21, can democracy survival all 3?' needs to be answered and answered now. And you need to find out from your elected members what they know of Agenda 21 and if they don't know it, educate them. And if they don't know it, then push them to understand what they are voting on in Parliament, because this is crossroads. I thank you all very much for your time and for your attention and I would now like to take the opportunity to introduce Lord Christopher Moncton. Thank you.


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