Injection Squads being unleashed to invade our WNY schools and attack our children

2 years ago

Monday, November 22, 2021. NYS Department of Health wrote a letter to us stating very clearly that only 1 child in all of NYS, aged 0-18, from March, 2020 until now has died from this virus. And yet, schools, our politicians, government agencies and public servants have exhaustively and intensively pushed for injecting our children and performing medical procedures on them in our schools. This is criminal, and all of those involved will be investigated and charged.

Erie County public servants Gayle Burrstein and Mark Poloncarz have unleashed Injection squads in our schools. These squads are invading our schools and preying on our children. They are set up in the cafeterias of each school, and they are marketing, pushing, intimidating, coercing, extorting, shaming, propagandizing, threatening and bullying children as young as 5 to get these injections.

They are telling young children:
1. Get this injection so your mommy and daddy won't die
2. Get this injection to be a good person
3. If you take this injection, don't tell your mom or dad
4. Get this injection so you can live
5. Get this injection so you can come to school
6. Get this injection so your teachers won't die
7. Get this injection or you won't be able to go to school
8. Get this injection or you won't be able to play sports
9. Get this injection or you won't be able to go to school functions or dances
10. Get this injection or you won't be able to go to graduation
11. Get this injection or you will have to test every day
12. Get this injection or else you will have to be out of school quarantining for days

Every single one of these things are against the law to do to children. At no other time in our history have we ever allowed medical procedures to occur in our schools. It is against the law for anyone in these schools to be practicing medicine, promoting medical procedures or acting as physicians.

These injection squads, authorized and set up by Gayle Burrstein and Mark Poloncarz:
1. Are supposed to inform the parents and get consent. They are not.
2. Are not supposed to ever prey on a child of any age for any reason. They are.
3. Are not supposed to endanger the welfare of a child ever. They are.
4. Are supposed to inform the child and the parents of all known negative effects of these medical procedures. They are not.
5. Are supposed to notify parents of all the ingredients in each injection. They are not.
6. Are supposed to notify parents how each of these ingredients can harm your child. They are not.
7. Are supposed to notify parents of how much these ingredients exceed allowable limits set by the FDA. They are not.
8. Are supposed to be giving you their name and telling you to report back to them as soon as you experience a negative effect from these injections. They are not.
Are supposed to notify parents of all the informational brochures available from each injection manufacturer. They are not.
9. Are supposed to inform you of all the injuries and deaths sustained as a result of these injections. They are not.

Think about your little one and ask yourself if you would allow them to do the laundry in your home. Or if you would allow them to watch certain programming. And then think about the intellectual or critical thinking acumen of that child. Then, consider that your child's school and your public servants are cutting you out of the equation, not informing you of what they are doing and then preying on your child to get them injected. And your school board's, superintendents, principals and teachers are all allowing this indefensible and reprehensible practice to take place.

All of these individuals involved in this practice are committing crimes. Each and everyone of them will be held accountable with the criminal justice system. Their personal property, retirement and salaries will all go to the people when they are found guilty. And, these people will serve time for their criminal actions.

Again, never before in our history have public servants been allowed to prey on our children this way. Ask yourselves why anyone would ever allow these medical procedures and these practices to occur. Ask yourselves who allows this especially knowing only one child has died from this virus since March of 2020.

If you have a story you want to get out there about an issue like this one, or anything else that may be weighing heavy on your heart, please reach out to us. Sharing your story may just help an untold number of others struggling with the same thing you are. You would be amazed at ho cathartic and therapeutic it can be to find others contending with the same issues as you.

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