Where to get the good Covid-19 drugs: This video will help you

3 years ago

Information is from Dr. Ardis the presenter -- to get meds go to Synergyhealthdpc.com
pharmacies around the country can fill their directives -- ivermectin - hydroxychloroquine*- budesonide -- and go to : myfreedoctor.com to fill prescriptions -- another good site is alldaychemist.com

Recommended DAILY DOSES:

Zinc 100mg a day - (take this with Quercetin for better absorption) (google "zinc ionophore" for more information).

Ivermectin 12MG 1X a week -

Hydroxychloroquine 300MG 1X week -

Magnesium 500mg a day -

Vitamin C 5000mg / day
‘there is NO toxic dose of Vitamin C = take up to 10,000 mg a day of it - -
Selenium 200 McG [ that's micrograms NOT milligram's! ] -

Vitamin D 10000iu a day; take with Vitamin K2 for better absorption; Quercetin = 1000mg / day, take this with Zinc

Learn more go to: thedrardisshow.com
reference his 'C19 disease prevention cocktail'
* Hydroxychloroquine, is sold under the brand name Plaquenil among others,
It is taken by mouth, often in the form of hydroxychloroquine sulfate.

Things the government, Dr. Fauci, and Bill Gates aren't tell us about Ivermectin:

Search the NIH; Go to: nih.govtable2e. find the chart document:

'characteristics of anti-viral agent approved or under evaluation for covid 19 treatment'.

the official chart date was July 8 2021

Official NIH recommended dose for Ivermectin is:
0.2 to 0.6mg for every 2.2 lbs. of body weight for 5 days
Rendesivir is a BAD choice; its killing people;

find the memo; endorsing ivermectin @ cms.govdatabase

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