2 years ago

“The Party Leader...”

With the optimistic guise of “Build Back Better,” Democrats just gave the rich a massive tax cut – that heavily benefits blue states, not to mention funneled their wealthy donor class masters untold resources and foreign subsidized assistance; amazingly, timed in perfect unison with the official confirmation of President Biden’s curiously conservative FED chairman choice – Jerome Powell.
To secure the support of moderate Democrats, the “Party Leaders” have included provisions that restore a lucrative tax break, former President Donald Trump slashed, in his signature 2017 tax law.
As this was occurring, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) oversaw the passage of the filibuster-proof $1.75 billion budget reconciliation package. Breitbart News & Al Jazeera explained how the state and local tax provision in the bill would represent a windfall for the wealthy on the backs of the middle class; as well as gut student loan reform, ultimately silencing tangible hope of loan forgiveness and debt relief…

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