Unique dog has fantastically long neck that looks like a giraffe

2 years ago

Brodie is a unique looking pup known as a Azawakh. The bizzare pooch lives in the middle east under the care of owner Louisa Crook.

Louisa has shared many videos of Brodie on social media including videos that show his incredibly long neck. His neck coupled with his freckles give the impression that Brodie may be more Giraffe than Dog.

Louisa rescued Brodie when he was younger after he was hit by a car then neglected by the vet charged with his care. Unfortunately, during all the unpleasantness Brodie lost one of his front legs.

Marketing Consultant Louisa said:

“Brodie is absolutely the most beautiful dog I think I will ever lay eyes on. I’m a sighthound fan and Azawakhs are one of my favourite breeds.”

“Even in the state Brodie was in when I first saw him - unable to walk and in such pain - he still took my breath away. “

“I had never seen an Azawakh in the flesh before then as they are not a common breed.“

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