
2 years ago

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY PRESENTED BY GUO CHENG GUANG (15 yrs) (017),Hydrogen Spectral Series(03)
GUO CHENG GUANG (15 years old, secondary 3 from NUS High School of Mathematics and Science )
郭承光 (15岁, 国大附属中学三年级)
WECHAT: Go-Singapore
TELEGRAM GROUP: https://t.me/joinchat/A0zlST4Io9QxOTM9
E-MAIL: forstudentsg@gmail.com

Lessons In Mathematics and Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) From Primary to University Presented By Guo Cheng Guang and Guo Chengxi In English. Your comment or suggestion is very much appreciated.

更多关于承光(15岁)和承曦(12岁)用英文开讲从小学到大学的数学和科学(物理,化学和生物)视频. 欢迎您来点评赐教。

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