Spanish 101 - Learn How to Introduce Yourself in Spanish Introductions Part 1/2 - Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video we will learn Introductions in Spanish. This video is Part 1 of 2 for Introductions in Spanish.

Me llamo... = My name is...
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name? (informal Tú=you)
¿Cómo se llama? = What is your name? (formal Usted= you)
¿Cómo estás? = How are you? (informal Tú= you)
¿Cómo está? = How are you ? (formal Usted= you)
Estoy bien = I am (feeling) good
Estoy mal = I am (feeling) bad
Estoy más o menos = I am (feeling) so so
Estoy cansado = I am tired (masculine)
Estoy cansada = I am tired (feminine )
Estoy feliz = I am happy
Estoy contento = I am content/satisfied (masculine)
Estoy contenta = I am content/satisfied (feminine)
Excelente= Excellent
Muy bien= Well done
Mucho gusto= Nice to meet you
Encantado = Enchanted to meet you (masculine)
Encantada= Enchanted to meet you (feminine)
Es un placer conocerte= It is a pleasure meeting you

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