Spanish 102 - Learn How to Use Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish - Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn how to use indirect object pronouns in Spanish.
The indirect object pronoun answers to whom or for whom something is being done.
The indirect object pronouns refer to people only. You will be able to identify the person/people by following the "a" personal. The "a" before a person's name is telling you that they are not doing the action but rather they will be the recipients of the action.

The following are the indirect object pronouns in Spanish.

Me -me
te -you
le -him, her, you formal
nos -us
les - them, you all formal

The indirect pronouns will come before the verb.
Yo le doy un vestido a ella. (I give her a dress.)

yo= subject doing the action
le= referring to "a ella"
doy= verb (in the Yo form)
un vestido = direct object
a ella = the person that will receive the item/for whom the action is being done.

Tú no me das chocolates a mí. (You don't give me chocolates.)
Ellos nos dan libros a nosotros. (They give books to us.)

In Spanish the following happens when you use the preposition "a" before a subject pronoun
a + yo= a mí
a+ tú = a ti

There is no change for: a él, a ella, a usted, a nosotros/as, a ellos, a ellas, a ustedes

Remember that the indirect object pronouns refer to people only.
So if you see:
a mí = me
a ti = te
a él, a ella, a usted = le
a nosotros/as = nos
a ellos, a ellas, a ustedes = les

if you see:
a John = le
a Mary = le
a Mary y a John= les
a Mary y a mí= nos
a John y a ti= les

dar (to give) requires the use of the indirect object pronouns
dar is an irregular verb in the "yo" form only and then it follows the -ar pattern

yo doy
tú das
él, ella, usted da
nosotros/as damos
ellos, ellas, ustedes dan

Tú me das unas flores a mí. (You give me some flowers.)

decir (to say, to tell) requires the use of the indirect object pronouns too.
decir is an irregular verb in the yo form only, it is also a stem-changing verb e=i, and it will follow the -er/-ir pattern

yo digo
tú dices
él, ella, usted dice
nosotros/as decimos
ellos, ellas, ustedes dicen

Yo te digo la verdad a ti. (I tell you the truth.)

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