Judgment Upon Those Who Poison the Earth & Prophesied Food Shortages~ Ezekiel 14 Study Part II

3 years ago

What an incredible time to be alive! In this video we discuss:

- Why God HATES toxic chemicals and will judge those who use them
- How The Most High is destroying Big Agriculture- as He promised to do.
- Prophesied food shortages
- Why we don't need to worry about the coming famine and food supply chain issues
- How the war on meat FULFILLS PROPHECY!!!
- How people are turning into beasts- as was foretold
- Why everyone is sensitive to toxins and nnEMFs
- What does "the land sinneth" mean???
- Why that chemical you're using isn't actually safe
- How you might be transgressing against the Lord and not even know it
- Why lawsuits won't save us
- What the Bible says about factory farming
- How Febreeze really works

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