Capital Punishment - Rapist Gets Zero Jail-time

2 years ago

Biden Administration Orders Halt On Federal Executions After Surge Under Trump

Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered the federal government to hold off on all executions starting Thursday until the Justice Department can finish a review of the practice, months after former President Donald Trump ended a 17-year lapse in federal executions by imposing capital punishment on more than a dozen death-row inmates.

Garland’s moratorium means dozens of federal inmates awaiting death sentences will avoid execution for an unspecified period of time.

In a memo to prosecutors, Garland asked the DOJ to review the Trump administration’s policies for executions, including a decision to start using pentobarbital, a lethal injection drug some experts have warned can be extremely painful to inmates.

Man who sexually assaulted 4 teenagers gets no prison time. ‘Incarceration isn’t appropriate,’ judge says.

A New York man who pleaded guilty to rape and sexual abuse for assaulting four teenage girls during parties at his parents’ home will not face jail time after a judge Tuesday sentenced him to eight years’ probation.

Niagara County Court Judge Matthew J. Murphy III said he “agonized” over the case of 20-year-old Christopher Belter, who was accused of committing the crimes when he was 16 or 17. Belter pleaded guilty in 2019 to felony charges that included third-degree rape and attempted first-degree sexual abuse, as well as two misdemeanor charges of second-degree sexual abuse.

Although Belter faced a maximum sentence of eight years in prison, Murphy concluded that time behind bars for the man “would be inappropriate.” The ruling shocked the courtroom.

The mRNA COVID-19 Technology is NOT a Vaccine

We have to awaken to the fact that the COVID scamdemic has rapidly accelerated the technocratic and transhumanistic aspects of the New World Order (NWO) to the point where people are blindly lining up to get injected with a “treatment” which is also a chemical device, an operating system, a synthetic pathogen and chemical pathogen production device.

As covered in previous articles, this new COVID vax is a completely new kind of technology, potentially even more dangerous than your average toxic vaccine.

In this article, we will explore in more depth what this mRNA vaccine is.

10,857 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Died Of COVID-19; 30,000 Hospitalized

The number of fully vaccinated Americans dying of COVID-19 has increased as breakthrough hospitalizations continue to rise, according to national data.

As of Oct. 18, at least 10,857 Americans have died of COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated. People aged 65 and older made up 85% of the deaths while female patients represented 43% of the total breakthrough fatalities, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Australia, Israel Report 95-99% Hospitalized Fully Vaccinated

Reports coming out of Israel claim hospitals are being filled with vaccinated people, 95 percent of whom are suffering serious illness being fully vaccinated.

“I understand that most of the patients are vaccinated, even ‘severe’ patients. Exactly. Naturally occurring. Old people, most of them are vaccinated,” Israeli Dr. Kobi Haviv told News Israel 13 Thursday.

I saw this some where.
— Carlos (@OnePokerMind) August 5, 2021

“Most of the population is vaccinated, and 90%… 85%-90% of the hospitalizations here are ‘Fully vaccinated’ people.”

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